Tunnel Option Back on the Table? Plus: Updates on Homeless Authority and Vaccinating Unsheltered People

An example of a lot in West Seattle that went up dramatically in value after a developer built a 300-unit apartment complex on site.

1. At Sound Transit’s system expansion committee meeting today, agency staff will present new numbers showing a greatly reduced cost differential between the elevated and tunnel options for light rail between Ballard and West Seattle, according to multiple sources. Previous cost estimates indicated that any tunnel would be far more expensive than the agency’s preferred elevated options, adding well over a billion dollars to the cost of the project; if the difference turns out to be negligible, a tunnel alignment would start looking better and better.

Sound Transit’s preferred alternatives for the Ballard-to-West Seattle segment include both elevated and tunnel options, but the tunnel has always come with an asterisk: The agency will only consider building it if tunnel supporters can find third-party funding to pay the difference.

Last week, Sound Transit released new cost estimates showing that the Ballard-downtown-West Seattle alignment will cost between 53 and 59 percent more than the agency estimated in 2019, due primarily to increased property acquisition costs. As PubliCola reported, the most dramatic percentage increase is in the elevated West Seattle to downtown segment.

Joe Gray, Sound Transit’s director of real property, said in an interview Wednesday that Sound Transit based its new property value estimates on the past several years of property sales in the neighborhoods along the alignment, without regard to the development potential of individual properties. For example, a vacant parking lot that is zoned for nine stories of residential development would be assessed not at the potential value of the future apartment building, but on the actual sales price of comparably zoned parking lots in the area over the past five years. If someone buys that parking lot and puts a 300-unit apartment complex on it (see image above), the difference in value becomes an unanticipated cost.

“It’s an estimate, because we only have the data that’s out there,” Gray said. This could be one reason the West Seattle estimates went up more dramatically than those for Ballard—”it’s a hot market,” Gray said, and the large number of property sales is reflected in Sound Transit’s higher estimates for that area. (Sound Transit spokesman Geoff Patrick confirmed that the difference between the cost increases in West Seattle and Ballard “is due to the property development currently underway in the area.”)

An alternative approach would be to pick a different cost escalator—one based on the likelihood that West Seattle and Ballard will continue to grow, particularly along the light rail alignment—and come up with new, higher estimates based on that assumption. But Gray said that would require assumptions Sound Transit is not prepared to make; after all, “the bottom could fall out” of the real estate market. “We wish we had that crystal ball to say that growth is going to continue in the commercial and in the industrial [sectors], but we just can’t,” he said. “We have to go to on what the property is [worth] today. We don’t guess.”

That approach—basing cost estimates on recent sales—is conservative in the sense that it doesn’t assume huge spikes in property values without direct evidence. In another sense, though, it could actually be risky: By assuming that property values will basically stay on their current trajectory into the indefinite future, even if their underlying zoning is designed specifically to encourage development that will dramatically increase its value, Sound Transit may be ensuring that it will have to come back with new, higher estimates year after year.

For now, the Sound Transit board and staff will consider a more immediate question: What will happen to the West Seattle-Ballard line? One possibility is that the new line (which is actually three separate segments, any of which could be built on its own) could be truncated or delayed. Another is that Sound Transit will give the tunnel options a closer look. Property values have less of an impact on tunnels because they just don’t require as much property acquisition. But tunnels can go over budget, too—and some of the new costs revealed last week have nothing to do with property values.

2. After numerous delays, the King County Regional Homelessness Authority is preparing to hire a director—which the agency calls a “CEO”—and is interviewing four finalists for the job this week. As part of that process, the candidates will be meeting separately with members of the Lived Experience Coalition, a group of homeless and formerly homeless people that has three representatives on the regional authority’s implementation board. The idea, board member and Lived Experience Coalition founder Sara Rankin said, was to bring these marginalized people closer to power, in this case by giving them a chance to sit down with the potential leaders of the new agency.

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On Wednesday, the board approved another informal meeting—this one with representatives of the Sound Cities Association, a group of suburban cities that are members of the authority. The SCA, which includes Renton, Kent, and other cities that are often at odds with Seattle and King County’s approach to homelessness, reached out to ask for the “informal meet and greet,” as former Bellevue mayor John Chelminiak put it. “If this body is going to be successful, there has to be some sharing and some building of trust, so I would be in favor of finding a way to do this,” Chelminiak said.

Board member Simha Reddy, a doctor who provides health care to people experiencing homelessness, supported the motion for a different reason. “It’s important for the candidates to know what they’re getting into.”

3. During a press conference announcing a city-led effort to vaccinate people living in congregate settings such as long-term care facilities on Tuesday, PubliCola asked Mayor Jenny Durkan whether the city had any plans for reaching the thousands of unsheltered and temporarily sheltered people experiencing homelessness during later vaccination phases. Homeless people who “live in or access services in congregate settings” won’t get their turn in line until Phase B4 unless they’re over 70 (Phase A2), and the current list of phases does not include any guidance at all about people living unsheltered, who may spend little or no time in congregate settings at all.

Durkan’s response was nonspecific. “That is something we’ve been discussing a lot with the county and the state,” she said, adding that “that phase is in robust planning” by city and county officials. “Some of those people live in congregate settings, like permanent supportive housing, and so setting up systems to get them vaccinated will be easier than those who are unsheltered.”

This is probably an understatement. Because the vaccine must be administered in two doses, unsheltered people who receive the first shot must “keep a record of their vaccination status and when they need to follow up for a second dose,” according to the CDC. Then, after hanging on to that piece of paper for nearly a month, they have to follow through on schedule. How Seattle and King County will track down unsheltered people who fail to show up for their second vaccination appointments remains unclear.

9 thoughts on “Tunnel Option Back on the Table? Plus: Updates on Homeless Authority and Vaccinating Unsheltered People”

  1. “After numerous delays, the King County Regional Homelessness Authority is preparing to hire a director—which the agency calls a “CEO””

    So they are “preparing”, eh? What does this preparation look like? Physical conditioning? Group meditation? What was the cost of the process, in lives lost during these “delays”, financially, otherwise?
    Local politicians seem to be adding bureaucratic layers of new offices and new positions, which take months and years to come to be, we are in the fifth year I believe on the “state of emergency” on homelessness without a clear, actionable and specific plan or strategy (other than adding more institutions); journalists are not asking questions or pursuing stories; no elected official was held accountable; voters keep voting in either the same people, or others who also do not have a plan; Seattleites keep making silly money buying and selling homes; and homeless keep on dying; and we keep calling ourselves progressive and awesome and whatever…

  2. Also, when the City wanted to upzone 27 neighborhoods in Seattle, they insisted that upzoning did nothing to increase property values. It was a tenet they kept publicizing to get public support for this and quash any objectors. Now Sound Transit documents in their cost estimates that zoning DOES increase property values. Or are they lying just to be able to say that a tunnel costs less?

    1. I’m as exhausted of homelessness issues as I was of Trump 10 seconds into his campaign. Don’t local pols have anything else to work on? Can’t we have some nice things like some better transit and some denser districts and some nicer parks? I still care about those things.

  3. “How Seattle and King County will track down unsheltered people who fail to show up for their second vaccination appointments remains unclear.”
    How would you like them to? Is relying on a bit of personal responsibility not an option?

  4. point one: note the estimated cost of the second downtown Seattle increased by about one billion with little real estate market role. Yes, WSBLE is segmented; the operating plan called for West Seattle trains to go through on the Lynnwood line and Ballard trains to through on the South line. yes, delay seems very likely. Yes, segments could be constructed; it would be wise to implement the ones with the most rider benefit and in a way that made sense; useless segments are not a great investment. Note the initial segment implemented in 2009 was a segment of the 1996 Sound Move line, South 200th Street to NE 45th Street. The NE 45th Street station is expected to open later this year. The ST2 2008 measure was needed to fund it.

  5. It will be a lot easier now that they aren’t being swept every 20 seconds and having their ID destroyed. Maybe they could start with one of the Seattle city proper encampments?

    1. Why do they have their id destroyed whenever they are swept? Can’t you just keep it in your pocket? And I read a news story that homeless didn’t have a huge amount of covid cases as was previously expected so why should homeless be placed above essential workers? In addition, the Mayor doesn’t have much say in who gets vaccinated when. Those decisions are made by the Department of Health and CDC. So sorry – this isn’t something you can blame the Mayor for.

      1. The mayor has always had influence, whether or not something was their decision. And there have been outbreaks among residents and workers in shelters since the beginning so I assume you’re commenting on the lack of known cases among the unsheltered. Key word=known because while being outside will protect you some, many encampments are doing little social distancing and residents are not wearing masks. And until there’s a confirmed positive test, you can’t get a mobile unit to come there to test the camp.

        I’m sure lots of folks who’ve been swept in the past have taken to sleeping with all their clothes on and their pockets stuffed with important items but a) homelessness among first timers is way up and it’s not like there is an orientation when you hit the street, b) ID can mean everything that makes up you; photo ID, passport, birth certificate, SSN card, marriage and dissolution papers, name change documents, plus any of those for your child or traveling companions, and c) the unsheltered or previously unsheltered are at more risk than the general public of lots of things including respiratory viruses and definitely COVID.

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